Negi Springfield

General Information

Full Name: Negi Springfield
Faction: Union
Rank: A-Ally
Function: Magister Magi
Group: After School Heroes
Title: Master Magi
Series: Mahou Sensei Negima!-1
Species: Human

"I have to protect my students, even without my Magic, because I am their teacher!"

Profile: Negi Springfield is the homeroom and English teacher of Class 3-A (formerly 2-A) of Mahora Academy Middle School. He is a kind and polite boy, and has an optimistic take on life. Though he is just 10-years-old, he can be surprisingly mature. Negi is never without the large staff he inherited from his father, Nagi Springfield. Negi specializes in wind-based spells and light magic and his command over lightning spells is growing as well. He's still a child on an emotional and mental level, and thus is naive in many aspects of the world. Quite the English gentlemen, he's very respectful of girls and women. He's something of a child prodigy, very intelligent and determined in his efforts whenever he puts his mind to something. His greatest wish is to be reunited with his long-lost father, the Thousand Master, who is said to have died before he was born.

Vital Statistics

Age: Your Age
Gender: Your Gender
Height: Your Height
Weight: Your Weight
Note: Additional statistics may be added as necessary.

Additional Details

Note: Rename this section as you see fit to act as additional information about your character that's important enough to be mentioned first, deserves it's own section, but doesn't fit elsewhere. Are your resources an important part of your character? Put that info here! Perhaps you'd like to explain just what it means to be a Super Saiyan, instead of just covering what the ability does? Put it here. So you have a really awesome Arwing that you fly around in. It's epic enough to deserve it's own section! Put it here.

  • Detail 1 - Explanation
  • Detail 2 - Explanation

Major NPCs

Note: Use this section to give details about your important NPCs that immediately pertain to your character.

  • NPC1 - Explanation
  • NPC2 - Explanation


Note: This section is for important equipment only. You don't need to mention your casual attire unless it's of significance to the character.

  • Gear1 - Details
  • Gear2 - Details
  • Gear3 - Details
  • Gear4 - Details

Skills and Abilities

Note: Use this section to give a brief overview of your notable skills and abilities. This isn't a place to stick everything in your +powers, but potentially can be if all of them are skills or abilities.

  • Skill1 - Details
  • Skill2 - Details
  • Skill3 - Details
  • Ability1 - Details
  • Ability2 - Details

Other Information

Note: This section is for information that just doesn't fit anywhere else. You can use it to explain your resources, past occupations, go in a bit more to their personality, what have you. Just stuff that doesn't necessarily need an actual section, but is noteworthy.

  • Note1 - Details
  • Note2 - Details


Note: This section, as you can see, is for your character's history.

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