
This page is for linking to logs of scenes from the MUSH.

At this time, most logs have been posted on the Wiki Forums, but for ease of access we are working on coming up with a log template similar to the character template.

Logs will be sorted according to month and year, and would ideally have a format similar to this on the page itself:

1-1-12, Test Log Title

We will most likely be using tabs to sort the logs, either with a series of tab menu like this:

2012 Test 1

Or by year, with collapsible months like this:

2012 Test 2

And so on.

By posting to this Wiki you give Multiverse Crisis MUSH an unlimited world-wide right to use all custom text/images however they see fit, and gurrantee all text/images taken from other sources are protected under copyright fair use and are thus legal to post on this Wiki. More info on MCM MUSH.